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Become a Payment
on FundedNext

Sign up as a payment partner on FundedNext to expand your client base, gain additional business exposure, and earn more revenue.

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Let's Grow Together

Connect hundreds of trader with FundedNext who are looking for ways to pay via local bank wire or e-payment methods.

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You are in control

As a payment agent, you are an independent exchanger. You can:

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Promote yourself to FundedNext clients in your country.

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Perform multiple deposits and withdrawals per day

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Close your account at any time you want.

Who can Apply?

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Currency exchangers

Reputable online currency exchangers seeking increased exposure and clients.

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Community managers

Trusted influencers or community managers who want to earn extra revenue.

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FundedNext affiliates who want to support their clients.

Get started easily

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Sign Up:

Sign up now using the following information:

  • Your Name, Email and Contact number
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Provide the following info:

After signing up, please fill-up the followings:

  • Your country’s name
  • Your website address(if you have one)
  • Payment methods you will accept from clients
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Get listed

After submitting, our compliance team will review your request and update your info on our payment agent's list

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